한국가정의 장류의 관리에 관한 연구

Study of Geangs Management of Korean Families

  • 발행 : 1987.06.01


The purposes of this study are to explore the management of Geang and to evaluate attitude of housewives toward it's management. The informations of this study were obtained from 720 housewives residing in various parts of Korea by using qustionaires during July 20 to September 10, 1985. The subjects were divided into several groups according to their ages, educational levels, careers, monthly incomes, numbers of family, areas of residence and types of housing. The $x^2$-test was applied to test the indivisual data, The following observations were made in this study : Soybean pastes and soy sauce such as Doh-an jeang, Gohoojeang and Ganjeang were prepared domesically in most cases and about 80% of the subjects performed this labor annually. Only 10% of the household used commercial Geang. The most widely used commercial Geang is Ganjeang.
