Computer-Aided Design of Dgital Elliptic Filters

Digital타원 필터의 Computer-Aided Design

  • 李鍾寅 (全北大學校 電氣工學科) ;
  • 金東龍 (全北大學校 電氣工學科)
  • Published : 1987.01.01


In this paper, we studied on the design of elliptic digital filters using the bilinear z transformation method, and proposed a design procedure satisfying prescribed specifications. The magnitude characteristics of digital filters are compared with its of analog filiters by computer simulation. Finaly we considered the quantization effects of digital filters. In cascader realization of fixed-point digital filters under dynamic range constraints, the outpout noise for IIR digital filters depends on the pole-zero pairing and ordering of the second order sections. Therfore an optmization procedure to finding a good ordering and pairing is very desirable. Thus, we proposed a sub-optimization procedure for finding "near optimal" solution.
