가족의 커뮤니케이션과 勸力에 관한 기능적 이론의 접근

A Study on the Family communication and Power in Functional View.

  • 발행 : 1987.12.01


The purpose of this study is to explore the family communication and power. Communication is a symbolic, transactional process in functional view . To say tat communication is a process implies a continuous interaction of an indefinite large number of variables with a concomitant, continuous change in the values taken by these variables. Finally the process implies change. Family functions include the primary functions of cohesion and adaptability and supporting functions of family images, themes, boundaries, and biosocial issues, The primary functions reveal concepts integrated family interaction and supporting functions, along with those of cohesion and adaptability, give shape of family life. The message system is the major element of communication process and influences both the form and the content of thier relationship and create and share meanings. The family-of-origin issues influence all aspects of family communication and account for many of the communication patterns, rules and networks. Power does not belong to an individual. rather it is a property of a relationship between two or more persons, Power, a system property is the ability of an individual to change the behavior of other members in a social system. Power operate transactionally in a family and any power maneuvers within it have a system wide effect. In order to study power in families , it is necessary to examine 1) family power operations 2) development of family power and 3) the communication of power strutegies. The research presented indicated that a rigid power structure, characterized by dominance and little sharing, restricts family flexibility reduce cohesion, and adversely affects satisfaction in families. power constantly changes as a family grows and develops within its system. Although power changes may be more obvious in children as they mature and more from a independent stated to an independent one, each of the parents experience egual or greater. Communication and activities take place that either enhance positively or negatively the images, themes, and degree of unity of cohesion the family desires. Power operated within a dynamic, growing, changing, interdependent transactional family system. Power struggle may develop when as issue becomes important to one or more family member. When this happens, and the rational exploration of alternatives ceases, various one-up power maneuvers usally follows, This affect family intimacy. a vital element in meaningful relationships . To resolve differences and not become the victim of another's power , one need to engage in constructive conflict since the ability to clearly and comfortably repudiate another is part of the achievement of intimacy.
