窓口Queuing System의 Simulation에 관한 事例 硏究

A studying example on simulation of the Queuing system of the window Box

  • 발행 : 1987.02.01


待期 理論(Queuing, waiting-Line Theory)은 例을 지어 待期하고 있는 現 象, 즉 各種 窓口에서 特定의 서어비스를 提供받기 위하여 個體가 기다리는 現象 에 관한 理論이며, 이와같은 理論的인 現象을 待期行列現象(Queuing phenomena, Waiting-Line phenomena)이라고 한다.

To decide on the queuing system of the optimum-sized bank window, data by means of simulation was reckoned. That is, by linking the average arrival rate and the average service rate with the exponential random number, customers' arrival time and service time was reckoned and simulation size optionally decided. By so doing, this paper is aimed at predicting the conditions of a bank, average arrival time, average waiting time, aveerage service time, average queuing length, servers' idle time, etd, and at preparing for a simulation model of the queuing system that can apply not only to the bank window box but also to all system under which queuing phenomena may arise.
