갈겨니(Zacco temmincki)의 진화에 관한 연구 III. 온도변화에 따른 갈겨니 sMDH 동위효소의 반응성에 대하여

Evolutionary Study on the Dark Chub (Zacco temmincki) III. The Euect of Reaction Temperature on the Kinetic Mode of Isolated SMDH Isozymes from Zacco temmincki

  • Published : 1987.07.01


Two allelotypes of sMDH variation, namely A and B type, are known in the dark chub, Zacco temmincki. We attempted to clarify their probable functional enzymatic difEerence with temperature change. Two types of sMDH were purified separately by successive chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and blue 2-Sepharose amEnity columns, and their ensymatic activities to temperature change were measured. Q10 of Vmax and Vmax/Km were significantly different between two types, i.e. A type being higher in Q10 values than B type. Based on the result it is assumed that A type may be more sensitive to temperature change than B type.
