유역이수의 고도화에 따른 수리개발과 이수구조에 관하여

Study on the Development of Water resources and Water Utilization Structures Following the Heiglitening use of Water in Basins.

  • 발행 : 1987.06.01


Because the development of Korea's water resources will reach its limit in the near future, preparations should now be begun to deal with problems that may come as a result. It will be too late to start preparations when the water resources have already reach their limitation and, as the preparations cannot be done in a day, it will take a long time to provide them. Now is the great turning point to accumulate our technical experiences and attain our plans gradually. The preparations against this are summarized as follows; 1)The transitory use of water should be turn into the recurrent use for the future. 2)A cooperative water control system of an area should be arranged. 3)Water saving, control of water demand, and the multiple use of water should be encouraged. To do this effectively, people should be informed of the value and rarity of water. 4)The development of freshwater reserviors at estuaries is closely related to the development of water utilization in the whole river basin. The development of water resources by the construction of freshwater reservoirs at the estuaries should be started, when the development of upstream water resources reaches their limitation. 5)The existing water utilization structures should be reorganized by water resources exchange planning, so the effective use of water in large areas be attained.
