흉벽종양 21례에 대한 임상적 고찰

Clinical Experience of Chest Wall Tumors - A Review of Twenty one Cases -

  • 발행 : 1987.12.01


A retrospective study of 21 cases of chest wall tumors, 12 benign and 9 malignant, was carried out to review their clinical radiological and pathological features. On age distribution, most cases [80.9%] were found in 4th to 6th decades. The sex ration [M:F] was represented as 2.5:1. Of the 21 lesions, there were 8 cases of soft tissue tumors, 4 cases of bone and cartilage origined tumors and 9 malignant tumors which included 3 metastatic tumors. The overall mortality was 22.2% and all of the deaths were found in the malignant tumors. All of the patients with benign tumors were treated by excision without recurrence. Distinction between benign and malignant chest wall tumors was not possible using radiographic criteria unless cortical destruction and involvement of soft tissue were visualized. On the basis of our analysis, we believe that all tumors of chest wall should be considered malignant until proven otherwise and that wide excision should be carried out. This is necessary not only to obtain as adequate diagnosis but also to provide the best chance for cure in both benign and malignant lesions.
