저년생 인삼의 잠아 및 화서형성에 관한 연구

Study on the Forulation of Dormancy Bud and Inflorescence in Young Ginseng Plant

  • 안상득 (순천대학 자원식물개발학과) ;
  • 김요태 (한국인삼연초연구소)
  • 발행 : 1987.12.01


저년생 인삼의 잠아 및 화기형성시기와 양상은 고년생 인삼의 이차적인 양상과 상이하기 때문에 1년생 묘삼의 잠아발달 및 다식된 2년생 인삼의 화기형성과정을 조사관찰하였던 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 2년생 이상의 인삼 잠아조직은 4월중순경 분제조직의 조기포분제로 시작하는데 1년생 묘삼에서는 유근발근시인 3월 하순경 시작하는 것으로 추측되었으며 잠아의 위치는 자엽간 줄기하단 문부위에 생성되었다. 2. 3년생 이상의 인삼 화기분화는 전년도 형성된 뇌두조직내에서 형성되지만 2년생 인삼의 화기는 줄기선단 엽병사이의 경단분제조직에서 분제세포의 분열과 함께 분화, 형성되었다.

The phase and times on the development of dormancy bud in seedling, and those of flower organs in 2-year-old ginseng are different to those of over 2-,3-year-old plant, respectively. The growing aspects of dormancy bud in seedling were investigated from rooting stage (April, 8) to Mid-June, and those of flower organs in 2-year-old plant had done once in two days late in April after compound leaves were unfolded. Firstly, the formation of dormancy bud in seedling was begun on Mid-late in March. This is early about one month compare with those of over 2-year-old plant. Fine bud in seedling was formed between cotyledons, at W spot under young shoot. Secondly, development of flower organs in 2-year-old plant was completed from late of April to early of May after compound leaves of transplanted plant were unfolded. In tare, this is very different characteristics because plants of any other ages form the flower organs one year ago. Thirdly, flower organs of ginseng plant, over 3-year-old plant, always develop in the rhizome formed one year ago, but those of 2-year-old plant develop in apical shoot meristem.
