Korean journal of applied entomology (한국응용곤충학회지)
- Volume 26 Issue 4 Serial No. 73
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- Pages.195-201
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- 1987
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
Studies on the Patterns of Plastic Film House, Their Growing; Conditions, and Diseases and Pests Occurrence on Horticultural Crops in Southern Part of Korea. Insects and Nematodes Associated with Horticultural Crops and Effect of Nursery Soil Conditions on the Infection of Root-knot Nematode
남부지방(南部地方) 시설원예(施設園藝)의 유형(類型).재배환경(栽培環境) 및 병해충발생(病害蟲發生)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -충발생양상(蟲發集樣相)과 상토(床土)의 선택(選擇)에 따른 뿌리혹선충(線蟲)의 발생(發生)-
- Choo, Ho-Yul (Dept. of Plant Protection, Col. of Agri., Gyeongsang Nat'l. Univ.) ;
- Kim, Hee-Kyu (Dept. of Plant Protection, Col. of Agri., Gyeongsang Nat'l. Univ.) ;
- Park, Jung-Choon (Dept. of Horticulture, Col. of Agri., Gyeongsang Nat'l Univ.) ;
- Lee, Sang-Myeong (Dept. of Plant Protection, Col. of Agri., Gyeongsang Nat'l. Univ.) ;
- Lee, Jeong-Im (Dept. of Plant Protection, Col. of Agri., Gyeongsang Nat'l. Univ.)
- 추호열 (경상대학교 농대 식물보호학과) ;
- 김희규 (경상대학교 농대 식물보호학과) ;
- 박중춘 (경상대학교 농대원예과) ;
- 이상명 (경상대학교 농대 식물보호학과) ;
- 이정임 (경상대학교 농대 식물보호학과)
- Published : 1987.12.30
Insects and nematodes associated with crops growing in plastic film houses were surveyed throughout the southern part of Korea at Jinju, Jiphyeon, Geumsan, Hapcheon, Changyeong, Namji, Milyang, Kimhae, Busan, Sooncheon and Gwangyang from December of 1984 to December of 1985. The phytonematodes representing six families, nine genera and nine species, and the insects representing four orders, seventeen families, twenty-three genera and twenty-four species were identified. The mite also caused problem on the leaves of strawberry and watermelon. Of these Meloidogyne incognita and Aphis gossyphii were most important ones. Aphelenchoides fragariae and M. hapla, however dominant nematodes on strawberry. M. incognita was always detected from pepper plants which were heavily infected with Phytophthora capsici. Tomato roots were readily infected with root-knot nematodes in non-sterilized upland surface soil. However, tomato were growing-vigorouly free from nematode damage in the upland surface soil treated by nematicide or in the paddy soil. A few galls were developed even in the upland subsoil at 60cm below surface. Soil salinity affected profoundly the host-root-knot nematode interaction: the numerous galls were developed on the tomato roots at EC
남부지방(南部地方) 시설원예내(施設園藝內)의 문제(問題)되는 해충(害蟲)과 선충(線蟲)을 알아보기 위하여 진주, 집현, 금산, 창녕, 남지, 밀양, 김해, 합천, 부산, 순천, 광양 등의 시설재배지(施設栽培地)에서 1984년(年) 12월(月)부터 1985년(年) 12월(月)까지 충(蟲) 발생(發生)을 조사(調査)한 결과(結果), 선충(線蟲)은 6과(科) 9속(屬) 9종(種)이 검출(檢出)되었고, 곤충(昆蟲)은 4목(目) 17과(科) 23속(屬) 24종(種), 응애는 1종(種)이 채집(採集)되었는데, 가장 문제(問題)되었던 선충(線蟲)은 뿌리혹선충(線蟲)인 M. incognita였으며, 딸기에서는 A. fragariae의 피해(被害)도 컸었다. 해충(害蟲)은 목화진딧물인 A. gossyphi였다. 고추역병의 피해주(被害株)는 반드시 뿌리혹선충(線蟲)에 심(甚)하게 감염(感染)되어 있었다. 한편, 상토원별(床土原別) 뿌리혹선충(線蟲)의 발생(發生)에서 밭의 표층토(表層土)를 이용했을 때 발생(發生)이 심하였으며, 살선충제(殺線蟲劑)로 처리된 표층토(表層土)나 논흙에서는 피해(被害)가 없었고 생육(生育)도 좋았다. 염류농도(鹽類濃度)별로는 EC