자나방과(科)의 한국(韓國) 미기록(未記錄) 5종(種)

Five Unrecorded Species of Geometridae from Korea(Lepidoptera), with Notes on Eight Little known Species

  • Park, K.T. (College of Agriculture, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Shin, Y.H. (College of Liberal Arts and Science, Kyung Hee University)
  • 발행 : 1987.12.30


자나방과(科)의 5종(種): 우수리가지나방, Mefeima mediorufa gilva D., 황갈물결자나방, Idiotephria evanescens(S.), 줄점물결자나방, I. debilitata(L.), 각시애기자나방, Scopula modicaria(L.), 노랑띠각시자나방, Polythrena coloraria H.S 등이 우리나라에서는 처음으로 보고되었으며 그외 과거 북한 등지에서 기록되어 왔으나 표본확인이 되지 않았던 8종이 함께 채집 확인되었다.

Five unrecorded species of Geometridae from Korea; Meteima mediorufa gilva Idiotephria evanescens, I. debilitata, Scopula modicaria, Polythrena coloraria were reported with brief redescriptions and illustration of their genitalia. And eight little known species from Korean penninsula, were listed with collected localities and the range of their distribution.
