한국(韓國)의 광상생성도(鑛床生成圖)

Metallogenesis in Korea -Explanation of the Metallogenic Map of Korea-

  • 발행 : 1986.10.31


필자(筆者)는 1981년(年) 파리, 1983년(年) 마닐라에서 개최되었던 CGMW 회의(會議)에 참석(參席)함을 계기로 세계공통(世界共通)의 제작규약(製作規約)을 준수(遵守)해 가면서 대한지질도(大韓地質圖) 및 한국의 지체구조도(地體構造圖)를 기본도(基本圖)로 하여 그간의 광상조사연구자료중(鑛床調査硏究資料中) 444개(個) 주요대상광상(主要對象鑛床)을 선정(選定), 이들 자료(資料)를 정리종합(整理綜合) 분류(分類)하여 1983년(年)에 한국의 광상생성도(鑛床生成圖)를 발간(發刊)(한국동력자원연구소(韓國動力資源硏究所))한 바 있다. 처음 시도(試圖)된 일이었을 뿐 아니라 대상개개(對象個個) 광상(鑛床)의 정밀조사자료(精密調査資料)가 부족(不足)하여 흡족(洽足)하지 못하였음에 차후(次後) 보다 보완(補完)된 충실(充實)한 내용(內容)의 광상생성도(鑛床生成圖)를 기대(期待)하여 마지 않는다.

In order to make preparation of the Metallogenic Map of Korea, the writer have to collect and review the data of general geology and ore deposits of Korea which have been published up to date. The geology of Korea has been briefly simplified and grouped into the 15 formations so as to provide the base geologic map for making the Metallogenic Map of Korea. Geologic provinces of south Korea are divided into four, that is, Gyeonggi·Ryeongnam province, Ogcheon geosynclinal province, Gyeongsang basin province and Tertiary province. In the view of tectonics and related granites, the major orogenies in south Korea are as follows; Ryeongnam orogeny, Taebaeg disturbance, post-Sangweon disturbance, post-Joseon disturbance, Bulgugsa disturbance and Yeonil disturbance. Metallogenic epochs might coincide with the period of syntectonic or subsequent igneous rock intrusions accompanied with the above listed orogenies and disturbances. Thus, metallogenic epochs that are certain in Korea so far are; Precambrian periods, Paleozoic periods, Jurassic to early Cretaceous periods, late Cretaceous to early Tertiary periods, Quaternary periods and age-unknown periods. The Metallogenic Map of Korea shows 444 ore deposits and/or mines by symbols on a background adopted from the existing geologic and tectonic map. The 444 metallic and non-metallic deposits are categorized by the commodities they contain, size, geologic environment, mineralized age and mineralogic nature.
