Unbounded Scalar Operators on Banach Lattices

  • 투고 : 1985.06.20
  • 심사 : 1985.09.01
  • 발행 : 1986.08.01


We show that a (possibly unbounded) linear operator, T, is scalar on the real line (spectral operator of scalar type, with real spectrum) if and only if (iT) generates a uniformly bounded semigroup and $(1-iT)(1+iT)^{-1}$ is scalar on the unit circle. T is scalar on [0, $\infty$) if and only if T generates a uniformly bounded semigroup and $(1+T)^{-1}$ is scalar on [0,1). By analogy with these results, we define $C^0$-scalar, on the real line, or [0. $\infty$), for an unbounded operator. We show that a generator of a positive-definite group is $C^0$-scalar on the real line. and a generator of a completely monotone semigroup is $C^0$-scalar on [0, $\infty$). We give sufficient conditions for a closed operator, T, to generate a positive-definite group: the sequence < $\phi(T^{n}x)$ > $_{n=0}^{\infty}$ must equal the moments of a positive measure on the real line, for sufficiently many positive $\phi$ in $X^{*}$, x in X. If the measures are supported on [0, $\infty$), then T generates a completely monotone semigroup. On a reflexive Banach lattice, these conditions are also necessary, and are equivalent to T being scalar, with positive projection-valued measure. T generates a completely monotone semigroup if and only if T is positive and m-dispersive and generates a bounded holomorphic semigroup.
