의궤도(儀軌圖)의 회화사적(繪畵史的) 특징(特徵)과 그에 나타난 관중복식(官中服飾)

A Study on the characteristics of the EUI-GUE DO and the costumes of the Royale Family

  • 발행 : 1986.11.30


This dissertation is a study of the costume of the Yi dynasty by means of an investigation of the Ka-rae-do-gam-Eui-gue Do(嘉禮都監儀軌圖: a collection of paintings of the royal wedding ceremonies and processions issued by the royal court) and the Jung-ri Eui-gue Do(整理儀軌圖: a collection of a series of paintings showing the whole process of the royal courtesies and ceremonies on the occasion of the king's visit to Hyun-yoong Won in Hwa-sung in 1975年). The Yi dynasty period is roughly divided into two parts. The first period extends from 1392, in which the reign of the dynasty started, to 1600, when Imjin Waeran(the Japanese Invasion of Korea) ended; the second period lasts from 1600 to the last day of the dynasty in 1910. Of the "Eui-gue Do"(儀軌圖: paintings of the royal ceremonies) which were made in the first period of the dynasty, there is no extant example, the reference to which is found only in records. However, the examples of the "Eui-gue Do" belonging to the second period remain abundant in number, together with the detailed accounts about them. The followings are the conclusions deduced from this study, which tries to illuminate the pictorial characteristics as well as the traits of costume manifested in the above-mentioned two groups of paintings. Most of the costume seen in the Ka-rae-do-gam Eui-gue and the Jung-ri Eui-gue were not clad in accordance with the wearer's individual desire or taste, but in strict conformity with the norm and sense of order in the society based on the Cosfucian political and ethical principles.
