청색파장(靑色波長)영역이 결여된 태양광이 작물(作物)의 생산성(生産性) 및 내냉성(耐冷性)의 향상에 미치는 효과 Ⅰ. 광합성(光合成) 및 호흡(呼吸)의 전자전달계 활성(活性)의 변화

Effect of Blue Color-deficient Sunlight on the Productivity and Cold Tolerance of Crop Plants

  • 정진 (서울대학교 농과대학 농화학과) ;
  • 김종범 (서울대학교 농과대학 농화학과) ;
  • 민봉기 (서울대학교 농과대학 농화학과)
  • Jung, Jin (Department of Agricultural Chemistry College of Agriculture, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Jong-Bum (Department of Agricultural Chemistry College of Agriculture, Seoul National University) ;
  • Min, Bong-Ki (Department of Agricultural Chemistry College of Agriculture, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1986.12.10


청색광(靑色光)이 결여된 자연광(自然光)이 작물의 생장특성(生長特性)에 미치는 효과를 조사하고 나아가 세포생리학(細胞生理學) 측면에서 그 효과를 검토하였다. 광질(光質) 환경(環境)을 조절하기 위해서 본(本)연구실에서 개발한 $350{\sim}500㎚$ 파장(波長)영역의 청색광을 약 70% 제거하는 plastic film(BCR film이라 명명(命名))으로 하우스를 설치하였고, 대조구(對照區)는 무색(無色) PE film으로 설치된 하우스를 이용하였다. 태양광(光)중 청색광이 결여된 광질(光質)의 환경은 공시품종(供試品種)인 고추, 오이, 호박, 상치, 토마토에서 시설 원예적인 측면으로 볼 때 두가지의 주목(注目)할 만한 효과를 나타냈다. 첫째, 대조구(對照區)에 비하여 전(全) 작기(作期)에 걸쳐 보다 왕성한 생장력(生長力)을 보였으며 현저한 증수(增收)를 가져왔다. 둘째, 저온처리(低溫處理)에 의한 냉해 발현(發現) 정도를 비교한 결과 내한(耐寒) 능력(能力)이 상당히 향상되었음을 관찰할 수 있었다. 이러한 효과는 세포내(內) 소기관(小器官)의 생리적(生理的) 활성(活性)에 반영(反映)되어 있었다. 즉 BCR film하(下)에서 자란 작물잎의 엽록체(葉綠體)는 백색광(白色光) 대조구(對照區)의 그것에 비하여 광합성(光合成)전자전달계의 활성이 월등히 향상되었으며, 미토콘드리아의 호흡(呼吸)전자전달계가 정상적인 활성을 유지하는 온도의 하한점(下限點)이 대조구(對照區)의 그것에 비하여 수(數) $^{\circ}C$ 하강되었다.

The blue-light effect on the grown as well as on the physiological activity of some major horticultural plants in Korea has been investigated. The light quality used for the work was obtained from sunlight filtered by an orangecolored polyethylene film which removed about 70% of visible light in the spectral region of $350㎚{\sim}500㎚$. The film was developed in this laboratory especially for the work and named BCR film meaning blue color-removing film. The light environment in the plastic house which was built with BCR film provided plants with the blue color-deficient sunlight. Thus, the photobiological effect of blue light could be examined conversely by comparing with the effect of white sunlight in a conventional plastic house built with colorless polyethylene film. In a sense of applicability to horticulture, two remarkable effects of the blue color-deficient sunlight on plant physiology were observed: First, it enhanced to a great extent the growth activity of plants-pepper, cucumber, zucchini, tomato, and leaf lettuce at the vegetative stage as well as at the reproductive stage, as demonstrated by their yield which were in average $40{\sim}50%$ increased compared with the control (under white sunlight). Second, it improved significantly the cold tolerance of plants, as exhibited with their resistance to chilling during treatment in a cold chamber maintained at a temperature which caused chilling injury to the plants of control. The visualized effects were reflected on the physiological activity of cells on organelle level. Chloroplast isolated from the plant leaves grown under BCR film showed considerably stronger photosynthetic activity, as judged by the increased electron transport rate of illuminated chloroplast, than that from leaves grown under white PE film. Mitochondria from leaves grown under BCR film maintained normal respiration activity until temperature decreased to a few degree($^{\circ}C$) lower than the temperature which caused respiratory inhibition to mitochondria obtained from leaves of the control.
