A Large and Changing U.S. Market for Gadoids and Other Groundfish

  • 발행 : 1986.06.01


The United States is the world's leading importer of frozen processed groundfish products, with over two thirds of total world imports. Over 90% of the U.S. groundfish demand is met by inports, while about 2 million mt of groundfish are taken from U, S. waters by joint-venture and foreign fleets. The objective of this paper is to provide descriptive information concerning the U.S. groundfish market and the potential for groundfish resources off Alaska to become a major source of supply to this market. The size of the U.S. market, U.S. imports, trade policies, and catch from U.S, waters are discussed, and a comparison is made between the potential domestic catch of groundfish off Alaska and current U.S. groundfish consumption. The total optimum yield of 2.3 million mt for flounders, cod, and pollock is about four times the round weight equivalent of U.S. imports of these species in 1984.
