기억용량 절약과 순회방식 선택이 가능한 디지털 필터의 구성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Implementation of Digital Filters with Reduced Memory Space and Dual Impulse Response Types

  • 박인정 (단국대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 이태원 (고려대학교 전자전산공학과)
  • Park, In Jung (Dept. of Elec. Eng., Dan Kook Univ.) ;
  • Rhee, Tae Won (Dept. of Elec. and Computer Eng., Korea Univ.)
  • 발행 : 1986.06.01


In this paper, a direct addressing mode of a microprocessor is introduced to save memory capacity, and also a dedicated digital filter is constructed to speed up the filter processing and to enable an easy selection of the impulse response types. A theoretical analysis has been conducted on the errors caused by the finite word klength, rounding-off and multiplication procedures. The digital filter designed by the proposed method is made into a module which can function as a 7th-order recursive or a 14-order nonrecursive type with a simples witch operation. The proposed filter is implemented on a printed-circuit board. The frequency characteristics of this filter can be controlled by the multiplication values stored in ROMs. A low-pass, a high-pass and a band-pass filter have been designed and their frequency characteristics are verified by actual measurements. For a order higher filer, two filter modules have been cascaded into an integrated filter of 23rd-order non-recursive low-pass type and a 12th-order recursive multiband type. Their frequency characteirstics have been found to agree with the theory.
