Study on the Development of Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall


  • Published : 1986.12.01


The design of fabric reinforced retaining wall structure was discussed in this article. It was confirmed that the reinforced retaining earth wall which was designed by new theoretical formulae developed this time was stable structurally and economically. The plastic fabric filter which was placed in layers behind the facing element reduced the lateral earth pressure on the wall elements in comparison with a conventional retaining earth walls. The reinforcing characteristics of earth wall was governed by the spacing of fabric layers, effective length of fabrics, particle distribution and compaction, and thus it is essential that, in the construction field, the reinforcing strips should be selected in order to develop the maximum friction forces bet.eon soil and fabric filters. The maximum tensile stress developed from the reinforcing strips was appeared at a little far distance from the back of skin element and it was not well agreed with the Rankine's theory but distributed well as a symmetrical shape against the point of the maximum tensile stress. The total length of the different layers should be sufficient so that the tension in the fabric strip could be transferred to the backfill material. Also the total stability of reinforced earth wall should be checked with respect to a failure surface which extended blond the different lathers.

본 연구는 재래식 옹벽의 단점을 보완하여 skin element로써 간단한 L-type concrete block을 사용하고 reinforcing strip재로써 plastic fabric strip를 이용하며, back fill재는 우리 주위에서 흔히 접하는 나강암풍화토를 사용하여 만든 보강벽체를 통하여 몇가지 실험을 한 결과 이들 서반재료의 특성을 발안하여 개발된 이론식에 의하여 결정한 벽체의 보강은 삽입한 strip의 간격, 층수, 뒷채움 재의 입도분포, 다짐상태 및 strip의 인장강맥에 좌우되며 본보강옹벽체는 구조적으로 안정하고 경제적인 시공이 가능함이 확인되었으며 우리나라 특히 강원도와 같은 유간지역에서는 보다 효과적으로 이용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
