A Study on the Internal Sort Algorithms

Internal Sort Algorithm에 關한 硏究

  • 朴圭泰 ( )
  • Published : 1986.01.01


This paper deals with a new method concerning with sort programs. Studies are made on the internal sort and then tried to develop some new algorithms through a minute studying of predeveloped sorting algorithms. It also tested some programs using sample data derived from the generation of pseudo random numbers and thus analyzed each characteristic and reciprocal interactions between several algorithms. Here what counts most is that Algorithm No. I suggested in this paper might Well be proved to be most efficient when applied to small lists.

software 中 utility program을 硏究한 것으로 代表的인 旣存 internal sort algorithm에 對하여는 紹介하고 random number generation에 依하여 만들 어진 sample data를 利用하여 本論文에서 紹介한 旣存 algorithm과 새로 提示한 algorithm에 對하여 各各의 特性과 相互關係를 比較 分析하였다. 한편 프로그램의 테스트는 모두 UNIVAC-9480 SYSTEM을 利用하였다. 硏究 範圍는 效率을 向上 시킬 수 있는 algorithm의 開發과 프로그램의 作成 및 random number를 利用한 test run을 通하여 各種 algorithm의 比較 分析과 性能 評價를 試圖하였다.
