A Systematic Study on the Holothuroidea in Choju-do

  • Park, Boon-Jo (Dept. of Biology, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Sook Shin (Dept. of Biology, Mokpo National College)
  • 발행 : 1986.10.01


濟州道産 海鼠類의 分類學的 硏究를 하기 위하여 1969年부터 採集되어 保管된 結果 1985年 6月부터 1986年 2月까지 濟州道의 7個地成(濟州港, 翰林, 飛揚島, 西歸浦, 塘浦, 城山浦, 牛島)에서 採集한 標本들을 同定, 分類하였다. 그 結果 3亞網 3目 9種의 海鼠類가 濟州道에 分布하는 것으로 밝혀졌고 이들중 Holothuria monacaria, H. pardalis, Afrocucumis africana, Leptosynapta ooplax, Polycheira rufescens등 5種은 韓國 未記錄種이다.

For the systematics study of the Holothuroidea in Cheju-do the present study was done with the materials collected from seven localities of Cheju-to (Cheju-hang, Piyangdo, Hallim, Sogwip'o, Tangp'o Songsanp'o, Udo) during the period from December 1969 to February 1986. As a result the holothurians in Cheju-do consit of nine species, six families, three orders and three subclasses. Of those five species are reported for the first time from Korean waters and they are as follows: Holothuria monacaria, H. pardalis, Afrocucumis africana, Leptosynapta ooplax and Polycheira rufescens.
