都市交通計劃 모델과 大氣汚染 擴散모델을 이용한 都市地域 大氣汚染 豫測

Air Pollution Forecasting Using Urban Transportation Planning Models and Air Pollution Dispersion Models

  • 董宗仁 (國立環境硏究所 大氣汚染部) ;
  • 趙康來 (國立環境硏究所 大氣汚染部) ;
  • 金良均 (國立環境硏究所 大氣汚染部) ;
  • 兪 浣 (延世大學校 工科大學 建築工學科)
  • 발행 : 1986.09.01


Motor vehicle related air pollution has become more serious because of rapid increase of number of cars, specially in the urban area. The increase trend seems to be accelerated, however, the fact is that road conditions, parking facilities and traffic control systems are far behind coping with this situation. In spite of the lack of related basic data, urban transportation planning (UPT) and air pollution dispersion models were applied to predict air pollution level. In standard UPT model, trip generation, distribution, modal split and network assignment were estimated by experimental equations and appropriate models. The air pollution level in the central business area was believed to be higher and it will increase continuously due to the increase of traffic demand. To meet this situation, air pollution problem should be considered as a part of integrated plannings of urban plans or transportation plans as well as more stringent motor vehicle emission standards, have to be enforced.



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