A study on the consumer dissatisfaction in urban housewives

도시주부의 소매자불만족에 관한 연구 -전자밥통에 대한 불만족을 중심으로-

  • 문숙재 (이화여대 가정관리학과)
  • Published : 1986.03.01


Comsumer dissatisfaction is a concept which provides fundamental couse for consumerism movement. The purpose of this study are as follows; 1. To investigate the tendency of the housewive's consumer dissatisfaction. 2. To find out the determinants of the consumer dissatisfaction. The major results of empirical study are; 1) The ousewive's are dissatisfied with their consumption lives. 2) There is significant difference in sunsumer dissatisfaction according to the demographic variables such as housewive's age, education. 3) There is significant difference I consumer dissatisfaction according to sociopsychological variables such as disconfirmation, consumer attitude toward business, consumer experience. 4. Consumer dissatisfaction is influenced by disconfirmation, attitude toward business, consumer experience.
