?Effects of Insamyangwee-Tang on Functions of Stomach and Small Intestine in Experimental Animals

인삼양위탕(人蔘養胃湯)이 위장관(胃腸管)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Published : 1986.04.01


Although the Insamyangwee-Tang has been widely used in clinical purposes in the oriental medicine and its clinical efficiency is documented for the cases of gastritis, gastric ulcer and enteritis but the experimental study on these has not been undertaken. So,To investigate the clinical efficiency, of Insamyangwee-Tang and validate its oriental medical theory, these experiments were undertaken, by being compared with animal experiment. ?The following results were obtained. ?1. By effect of Insamyangwee-Tang on isolated ileum from mice, rats, rabbits and Guinea pigs, the motility of ileums was inhibited remarkably. ?2. By effect of Insamyangwee-Tang on motility of the small intestine in rabbits, the motility was inhibited remarkably too. ?3. Insamyangwee-Tang inhibited charcoal transport functions in the small intestine of mice. ?4. By effect of Insamyangwee-Tang on isolated duodenum from rats, the motility of duodenum was inhibited remarkably.?5. Gastric juice and pepsin secretion was decreased, anti-ulceration effect was recognized.



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  2. 濟衆新編 康命吉
  3. 診療要鑑 金定濟
  4. 濟世寶鑑 文基洪
  5. 現代漢方講座 朴盛洙(等)
  6. 方證新編 宋炳基
  7. 重要漢方處方集 申佶求
  8. 最新國漢藥物學 申佶求
  9. 東醫處方大典 廉泰煥
  10. 漢方處方解說 廉泰煥
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