쌀의 형태(形態)와 화학적(化學的) 성질(性質)이 식미(食味)에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

A study on the effect of shapes and chemical properties of rice on its palatability

  • 발행 : 1986.12.20


Two Tongil type rice varieties and two Japonica rice varieties were prepared and experimented to investigate the effect of physicochemical properties on rice palatibility. Obtained results are as follows; (1) Width and thickness of unhunlled and unpolished grains of Tongil type rices were shorter than those of Japonica type rices and the length of the former was much longer than the latter. (2) Protein contents of Tonsil type varieties were greater than Japonica ones and amylose contents of the former is less than the latter. Alkali digestibility of them showed no significant differences. These means that the qualities of Tongil rices are not less than Japonica ones. (3) Sensory evaluation test showed that Japonica type rices are more excellent than Tongil types in expansion, glutinosity, flavour and taste while the former is inferior to the letter in gloss. (4) Preconceived ideas on the shape of rice seemed to affect most on its palatability.
