한국식품과학회지 (Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology)
- 제18권4호
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- Pages.319-324
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- 1986
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- 0367-6293(pISSN)
압력솥및 전기솥 취반미의 관능적 특성
Sensory Characteristics of Rice Cooked with Pressure Cookers and Electric Cookers
- Kim, Hye-Young (Department of Foods and Nutrition, Ewha Womans University) ;
Kim, Kwang-Ok
(Department of Foods and Nutrition, Ewha Womans University)
- 발행 : 1986.08.01
가수량율 1.3배 1.5배 1.7배로 하여 취반후 실온에서 1시간 식혀서 관능검사를 실시한 경우 부착성을 제외한 모든 특성에서 유의적인 차이를 나타내었다. 효소소화법에 의한 호화도의 측정시 압력솥 취반미가 전기솥 취만미보다 높은 호화도를 나타내었다. 하루동안냉장보관하였다가 전자오븐으로 재가열한 시료와 신선시료에 대한 관능적인 특성은 견고성을 제외한 모든 특성에서 유의적인 차이를 나타내었으며, 동일기구 내에서의 차이는 적었으나 두 취반기구 간의 차이는 현저하였다. 위와 같은 결과에서 본 연구의 조건 하에서는 동일한 쌀이라도 취반미의 특성이 현저히 달라진다고 할수 있다. 또한 냉장시료를 전자오븐으로 재가열한 시료는 신선시료에 비해 차이가 크지 않아서 복원럭이 크다는 것을 알 수 있다.
The characteristics of cooked rice were investigated with variation in amount of water added and different cooking methods of pressure and electric cookers. Samples added with 1.3, 1.5, and 1.7 times of water were evaluated for sensory characteristics and for degree of gelatinization by enzyme digestion method upon one hour cooling at room temperature. Samples were reheated by microwave oven and then compaired with fresh samples through sensory evaluation under the same condition. Sensory attributes of rice cooked with 1.3, 1.5, and 1.7 times of water addition showed significant differences among the groups in most properties except in stickiness. Degree of gelatinization in fresh samples also indicated significant differences between the two cookers in varied rice to water ratio. There were significant differences among the samples, fresh and reheated by microwave oven. Revealed differences, however, were not great in the same type of cooker groups.