Effects of Vinblastine and Vincristine on the Primary and Secondary Cell-mediated Immunity

Vinblastine과 Vincristine이 1차(次) 및 2차(次) 세포성(細胞性) 면역반응(免疫反應)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • 표명윤 (숙명여자대학교 약학대학)
  • Published : 1986.09.30


Effects of vinblastine(VLB) and vincristine(VCR) on cell-mediated immunity(CMI) were studied with the microcytotoxicity test(MCT) after normal or pre-sensitized Balb/c mice had been treated in vivo with a combination of two different doses of VLB or VCR(single dose of 20% and 60% $LD_{50}$, i.p.) at different times (from day -6 to day +4) plus allo-transplantation antigen(allo-TA, cells from C3H mice at day 0). The results were that $LD_{50}$ of VLB for female Balb/c mouse was 7.3mg/kg body weight (i.p.) and $LD_{50}$ of VCR was 4.3mg/kg body weight and that VLB and VCR acted as immunosuppressive agents on the primary CMI when administered after allo-TA(antigen-drug-phase), but showed no effect when administered prior to allo-TA(drug-antigen-phase). Change of doses of VLB and VCR(20% $LD_{50}$, 60% $LD_{50}$) caused quantitative or qualitative variations in the immunomodulating effects of these two drugs. Neither VLB nor VCR had any immunomodulating effect on the secondary CMI. Lastly, the results support that the four parameters (type of drug, sensitization status, time of drug treatment in relation to antigen injection, and drug dosis) are significant for the effects of the VLB and VCR on the CMI, and that VLB and VCR may inhibit the proliferation of antigen-stimulated T effector lymphocytes but not memory-cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
