Korean journal of applied entomology (한국응용곤충학회지)
- Volume 25 Issue 2 Serial No. 67
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- Pages.63-70
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- 1986
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
Pathogen Physiology, Epidemiology and Varietal Resistance in White Rot of Apple
사과 흰빛썩음병백부병(白腐病)의 병원균(病原菌) 생리(生理), 포장(圃場)에서의 전염(傳染) 및 품종저항성(品種抵抗性)
- Cho, Won-Dae (Department of Plant Pathology, Agricultural Science Institute) ;
- Kim, Choong-Hoe (Department of Plant Pathology, Agricultural Science Institute) ;
- Kim, Seung-Chul (Hannong Chemical Corporation)
- Published : 1986.07.30
Severity of incidence of white rot on apple fruit ranged from 5 to 16% and averaged 9% over major apple growing area in 1981. An isolate of Botryosphaeria ribis obtained from rotted apples developed lesions on leaves, branches and fruits of apple, pear, peach and grape in a series of wound inoculation test. B. ribis grew well on both potato sucrose agar and oatmeal agar. The best condition for vegetative growth on these two media was at
1981년도 사과 흰빛 썩음병(白腐病)의 발생은 지역에 따라 5%에서 16%에 달하였으며 평균발병 과율은 9%였다. 사과에서 분리한 병원균을 사과, 배, 복숭아, 포도의 잎, 가지, 과실에 상처 접종하였을때 접종 부위에 병반이 형성되었다. 병원균의 영양 생장은 감자설탕 한천배지와 귀리즙 한천배지에서 모두 좋았으며 특히 온도