Effect of Seed Treatment and Observation of Seeds Infested with Fusarium moniforme by Scanning Electron Microscope

Fusarium moniliforme 감염벼종자의 소독과 주사전자현미경적 조직관찰

  • Sung Jae Mo (College of Forestry, Kangweon National University) ;
  • Lee Soon Hyung (Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Office of Rural Development) ;
  • Yu Seung Hun (College of Agriculture, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Shin Gwan Chull (College of Agriculture, Chungnam National University)
  • Published : 1985.01.01


This study was carried out to observe the propagule of Fusarium moniliforme on the surface of rice seed and in the vascular bundle of rice stem by scanning electron microscope. Spore and mycelium of F. moniliforme were observed on the surface of rice seed and in the vascular bundle of rice stem. After seed treatment with Benlate T and Busan 3D, F. moniliforme was not isolated from chaffs, but frequently from brown rice, irrespective of disinfection period.

Fusarium moniliforme에 감염된 벼줄기의 도관부에서도 균사가 관찰되었다. Benlate T와 Busan 30을 처리한 종자에서도 소독시간에 관계없이 F. moniliforme가 분리되지 않아 소독효과가 인정되었으나 현미에서 소독시간에 관계없이 F. moniliforme가 검출되어 방제효과가 떨어졌다.
