18세기 여자저고리 옷길이 변화요인에 관한 고찰

The Influence of the Socioeconomic Phenomena on the Fushion of Jugori

  • Kim Young Sook (Department of Clothing and Jextiles of Sook Myung, Women's University)
  • 발행 : 1985.12.01


The objective of the study was to investigate the influence of the socio-economic phenomena on the fashion of Jugori at the end period of the Yi dynasty when that women's cloth was very shortened. An attempt was made to show that fashion was not an outcome of foreign culture's influence, but the reflection for the living style and mentality of the people at that period when the socio-economic structure was rapidly changed. Alternatively, the paper tried to show the evidence that the change in the fashion was accompanied by the change in the economic structure shifting from the natural economy to monetary economy and in the structure of rural society experiencing the diversification of social classes.
