Regulation of Heat-Stable Enterotoxin Production in Escherichia coli -1. Effeets of Phosphate, Ammonia, Glucose, and Glucose Metabolites on the Heat-Stable Toxin Production by Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli-

대장균의 내열성장독소 생산조절기전 -I. 장독성대장균의 내열성장독소생산에 인산염, 암모니아, 포도당 및 포도당 대사산물이 미치는 영향-

  • Kim, Ik-Sang (Department of Microbiology and Cancer Research Institute, College of Medicine Seoul National University) ;
  • Hong, Tae-Yee (Department of Microbiology and Cancer Research Institute, College of Medicine Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee, Woo-Kon (Department of Microbiology and Cancer Research Institute, College of Medicine Seoul National University) ;
  • Chang, Woo-Hyun (Department of Microbiology and Cancer Research Institute, College of Medicine Seoul National University)
  • 김익상 (서울대학교 의과대학 미생물학교실 및 암연구소) ;
  • 홍태의 (서울대학교 의과대학 미생물학교실 및 암연구소) ;
  • 이우곤 (서울대학교 의과대학 미생물학교실 및 암연구소) ;
  • 장우현 (서울대학교 의과대학 미생물학교실 및 암연구소)
  • Published : 1985.12.31


Phosphate, ammonia, glucosamine, glucose, pyruvate, succinate, fumarate, malate and acetate were examined for their ability to control the heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) production in succinate salts medium or in M9 medium. The results obtained were summerized as follows. 1. When the initial phosphate concentration was adjusted to 1.0mM, ST production was decreased to 80u/ml or less. But when the initial phosphate concentration was adjusted to 64mM or 100mM, enterotoxin production was 320u/ml. 2. When the initial ammonia concentration in the medium was adjusted to 1.0mM, no ST production and cell growth were observed. But when ammonia concentration was adjusted to 10mM, 19mM, 38mM or 76mM, enterotoxin production was 320u/ml. 3. Among carbon sources, glucosamine, glucose, pyruvate, succinate, fumarate, malate and acetate, acetate supported the highest specific production (928 unit/O.D.) of heat-stable enterotoxin. From this results, we could assume that heat-stable enterotoxin production is controlled by stringent control mechanism. 4. When the pH of the succinate salts medium was kept between 6.2 to 6.5, no heat-stable enterotoxin production was observed, but when the pH of the medium was kept between pH 6.2 to 6.5, 267 unit/O.D. of heat-stable enterotoxin was produced. 5. Glucose inhibited the heat-stable enterotoxin production and the mechanism was assumed due to its capacity to lower the pH of the medium during catabolysis and its high metabolic energy.
