야생대두의 생리생태에 관한 연구 - 제2보 돌콩 ( Glycine Soja ) 의 자생지 생육특성 ( Studies dn the Physical and Ecological Characteristics of Wild Soybean ( Glycine soja ) II. Growth Characteristics of glycine soja in the habitat )

  • 발행 : 1978.10.28


本 試驗은 들콩의 生育에 關與되는 諸要因을 調査하기 위하여 京畿 水原, 京畿 安域, 忠北 沃川, 慶南 晋州, 濟州 等 5個地域 15個所를 選定하여 自生地 立地條件 및 生育特性을 調査 한 結果 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 1. 地域에 따라 들콩의 生靑差異가 심하였으며 水分이 豊富하고 어느 程度 肥沃한 耕作地 部近의 개울뚝에서 生育이 良好하였다. 2. 土壤中 燐酸含量과 種實收量과는 高度의 有意相關(r=0.76**)이 있었으며 土壞 pH와 種實收量과도 正의 相關關係(r=0.63*)를 나타내었다. 3. 地上部의 生育이 良好할수록 植物體內 室素含豊도 높은 傾向이었다(r=0.52*). 4. 들콩의 地上部生育과 葉展開曲線은 비숫한 模型을 나타내었다. 그리고 根瘤發生은 生育中期에 王盛한 반면 地上部生育은 生育後期에 旺盛하였다. 5. 돌콩은 여름철 生育이 旺盛하고 採種이 容易하며 營養價도 豊富하기 때문에 夏期 銅料作物로의 開發이期待되었다.

Five districts; Su-weon, An-seong, Ok-cheon, Jin-ju and Je-ju, were chosen and growth characteristics of Glyclns soja in fifteen places were studied. The results obtained are summerized as follows: 1. Growth state was good on the levee of the brook where the soil was wet and fertile. 2. They showed high significant correlation (r=0.76**) between grain yield and phosphate content of the soil, an d also showed positive correlation (r=0.63*) between grain yield and soil pH. 3. Nitrogen content of the plant was high as Glycine soja growed well. 4. Shoot growth and leaf development curve showed similar pattern and the root noddle was prosperous in the middle stage while shoot growth was well in the late stage. 5. Glycine soja was expexted as a hopeful forage ceop, as it grow swell, easy to harvest seeds and nutritional value is high.
