1782 年 以來 韓國의 古氣候와 수種의 肥大成長推定

Estimation of Old Climate and the Radial Growth of Trees since 1782 in South Korea

  • 발행 : 1985.08.01


The fluctuation of old climate was studied by the analysis of radial growth in trees, since 1782. For the effects of environmental factors on the radial growth, the authors proposed the relative radial growth(Rg) concept modified the emperical equation of Fritts (1969) as follow: Yt=aebt Yt: theoretical annual ring width time t a and b: constants in different tree species Rg=Yt/Yt Rg: ratio of real radial growth to theoretical growth with age Yt: real annual radial growth Used the Rg value, the relationship between climatic conditions and the radial growth during 70 years was investigated, and the fluctuations in climate during the last 200 years with the historical records was detected.
