粗大粒子가 大氣淨遊粉塵에 주는 負荷

A Study on the Coarse Particles Burden to Aerosol in Seoul Area

  • 이윤재 (고려대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실 및 환경의학연구소) ;
  • 김희강 (건국대학교 산업대학원 환경공학과)
  • 발행 : 1985.11.01


The effect on the particulate matters in the atmosphere was investigated in Seoul area from March, 1984 to Aprill, 1985. Aerosols were collected by filters on nine stages Andrsen Air Sampler, and size distribution and total concentration of the aerosols, Fe and Pb were measured. In spring with Yellow Sand the concentration of particles in aerosols was 185.55$\mug/m^3$ and CP/TA was 65.9%. But in spring without Yellow Sand those of particles was 135.45$\mug/m^3$ and CP/TA was 58.6%. Accordingly the concentration of coarse particles with Yellow Sand was higher than without them in Spring. Above results indicate that in Seoul Area the main source of air pollution originated from natural burdens, especially from soil. The concentration of Pb was similarly valued through both seasons in Seoul area but fine particles valued above coarse particles. On the other hand, in urban area, the natural and anthropogenic sources have influenced on the concentration of Pb. With referred to particle size distribution for Fe, the concentration of coarse particles was 0.168$\etag/m^3$ (CP/TA: 74.3%) in Spring with Yellow Sand, 0.096$\mug/m^3$ (CP/TA: 71.6%) without Yellow Sand and 0.083$\mug/m^3$ (CP/TA: 67.4%) in winter, respectively. Compared with fine particles, all of them were higher. It indicated that the origin of coarse particles in urban air was not related to anthropogenic source. The concentration of Fe was influenced by Yellow Sand and contributed to air pollution.



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