Investigation on the Turbulence Structure of Reattaching Separated Shear Layer Past a Two-Dimensional Vetrical Fenc(I)

2次元 垂直壁을 지니는 再附着 剝離 斷層 의 亂流構造 에 관한 硏究 (I)

  • 김경천 (부산대학교 공대 생산기계공학과) ;
  • 정명균 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과)
  • Published : 1985.07.01


Hot-wire measurements of second and third-order mean products of velocity fluctuations have been made in the separated, reattached, and redeveloping boundary layer behind a vertical fence. Mean velocity, wall static pressure distributions have also been measured in the whole flow field. Upstream of the reattachment point, the separated shear layer developes as a free mixing layer, but the gradient of the maximum slope thickness, turbulent intensities and the Reynolds shear stress are higher than that of the mixing layer due to initial streamline curvature and the effects of highly turbulent recirculating flow region. In the reattachment region, Reynolds shear stress and triple products near the surface is far more rapid than the decrease of the shear stress; that is the presence of the solid wall has a marked effect on the apparent gradient diffusivity of intensity or shear stress and throws doubts upon the usefulness of the simple gradient diffusivity model in this region.

본 논문에서는 수직벽 하류에 형성되는 박이 전단층의 발전과 재부착 그리고 재발전 경계층에 대해 평균 속도, 벽면의 압력 분포, 난류 강도, 레이놀즈 전단 압력 및 아직 수직벽에 대해서는 보고된바 없는 난류 떨림 속도 성분들의 3승곱 통계치를 측정하여 난류 구조의 변화를 분석하고 이를 수치적 계산 모델개발의 자 료로 제공하고자 함이 이 연구의 목적이다.
