A Study on the Infection Statue of Tadpoles and Frogs by the Metacercariae of Fibricola seoulensis in Korea

국내 일부 지역산 올챙이와 개구리의 Fibricola seoulensis 유충에 의한 감염상

  • 홍성태 (서울대학교 의과대학 기생충학교실) ;
  • 이순형 (서울대학교 의과대학 기생충학교실, 풍토병연구소)
  • Published : 1985.06.01


A total of 220 tadpoles was captured in 6 areas and total 117 frogs, Rana nigromacuzata, were collected in 11 areas in Korea. They were examined for their infection status by the metacercariae of Fibricola seoulensis by peptic digestion technique and by histological observation with hematoBylineosin staining. This study was carried out from August, 1983 to September, 1984. Followings are the results. 1. The tadpoles of R. nigromaculata were positive for the metacercariae from 3.3% to 100% by area. The number of metacercariae per infected tadpole ranged from 1 to 584, and the mean number Per tadpole ranged from 7.6 to 221 by area. 2. The metacercariae from 16 tadpoles were counted by the body portion. A great majority of the metacercariae was collected from abdominal cavity, 98.3% of 484 counted larvae. And 6(1.2%) larvae were from proximal tail and 2(0.4%) from trunk. 3. Histological sections of tadpoles showed many metacercariae in abdominal cavity but none in other parts. The larvae were free in the spaces among intestinal loops or around primitive liver. A few larvae were in duct-like tissues near trunk wall. There was little infiltration of inaammatory cells. 4. The metacercarial infection rates of frogs ranged from 0% to 100% by area. The larval burden was 1 to 470 by infected frogs, and mean number ranged from 1 to 175.6 by area. By above results, it is suggested that the cercariae of F. seoulensis may infect R. nigromaculata already in the stage of tadpole. Almost all of the metacercariae were concentrated in abdominal cavity of tadpoles. According to the infection status of frogs, this nuke is prevalent almost nationwidely in rice paddies in Korea.
