묘대(苗代) 양식(樣式)과 Fusarium moniliforme에 의한 벼키다리병(病)의 발생(發生)

Occurrence of Bakanae Disease by Fusarium moniliforme Associated with Different Seedling Methods

  • 성재모 (강원대학교 임과대학) ;
  • 양성석 (농촌진흥청 농업기술연구소) ;
  • Sung, Jae-Mo (College of Forestry, Kangweon National University) ;
  • Yang, Sung-Suk (Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Office of Rural Development) ;
  • 발행 : 1985.03.30


묘대별발생(苗代別發生)을 보면 강한(江漢)찰벼와 낙동(洛東)벼에시 상자육묘(箱子育苗)가 보온절충묘대(保溫折衷苗代)보다 종자소독유무(種子消毒有無)에 관계(關係)없이 키다리 병(病)의 발생(發生)이 많았다. 상자육묘(箱子育苗)와 보온절충묘대(保溫折衷苗代)에서 자란 유묘(幼苗)를 일본(一本)씩 이앙(移秧)할 경우 본답(本畓)에서 상자육묘(箱子育苗)에서 자란 유묘(幼苗)가 보온절충묘대(保溫折衷苗代)에서 자란 유묘(幼苗)보다 이병률(罹病率)이 높았고 수량(收量)도 떨어졌다.

Percentage of Bakanae infection of rice seedlings grown in nursery box was higher than rice seedlings grown in protected semi-irrigated nursery regardless of seed treatment. Rice seedlings grown in nursery box had higher Bakanae symptom ratio than that of the rice seedlings grown in protected semi-irrigated nursery in the paddy field conditions after transplanting. Grain yield of rice transplanted from nursery box was lower than that of the rice in protected semi-irrigated nursery.
