한국응용곤충학회지 (Korean journal of applied entomology)
- 제24권3호
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- Pages.169-172
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- 1985
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
한국산(韓國産) 날개응애류(類)(3) Defectamerus속(屬)의 신종(新種)에 관(關)하여
The Oribatid Mites (Acari : Cryptostigmata) of Korea(3) the Genus Defectamerus AOKI, 1984
- Choi, Seong-Sik (College of Agriculture, Wonkwang University) ;
- Aoki, Jun-Ichi (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Yokohama National University)
- 발행 : 1985.11.30
한국산(韓國産) Defectamerus속(屬)의 1 신종(新種), 1 신아종(新亞種) 및 종검색표(種檢索表)를 작성(作成)하였다. 신종(新種)은 순기민동정응애(D. soonkii sp. nov.)와 신아종(新亞種)으로 한국민동정응애(D. crassisetiger coreanus subsp. nov.)를 기재(記載)하였다.
Defectamerus soonkii sp. nov. and D. crassisetiger coreanus subsp. nov. belonging to the family Ameridae are described. Key to the species of the genus Defectamerus Aoki is presented.