Factors Affecting Conidial Germination of Alternaria alternata(Fries) Keissler Causing Fruit Rot of Apple

사과과일썩음증상을 일으키는 Alternarza alternata의 포자발아요인

  • Tak, S.K. (Department of Plant Pathology S.K.N. College of Agriculture(Sukhadia University)) ;
  • Verma, O.P. (Department of Plnt Pathology S.K.N. College of Agriculture(Sukhadia University)) ;
  • Pathak, V.N. (Department of Plant Pathology S.K.N. College of Agriculture(Sukhadia University))
  • Published : 1985.11.30


Effect of some physical and chemical factors on germination of conidia of Alternaria alternata (Fries) Keissler causing fruit rot of apple was investigated. The germination was maximum at $30^{\circ}C$, 100 per cent RH and at 5.5 pH Syllit, amongst the 11 fungicides and Planofix, amongst the 5 growth regulators caused maximum inhibition of conidial germination.
