Korean journal of applied entomology (한국응용곤충학회지)
- Volume 24 Issue 2 Serial No. 63
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- Pages.97-101
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- 1985
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
Pathogenic Specialization of the Rice Bacterial Leaf Blight Pathogen, Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae: Race Classification Based on Reactions of Korean Differential Varieties
벼 흰잎마름병균(白葉枯病菌)의 병원성(病原性) 분화(分化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) : 한국판별품종(韓國判別品種)의 반응(反應)에 의(依)한 레이스 분류(分類)
- Yun, Myung-Soo (Agricultural Sciences Institute) ;
- Lee, Eun-Jong (Agricultural Sciences Institute) ;
- Cho, Yong-Sup (College of Agriculture, Seoul National University)
- Published : 1985.09.30
Pathogenic variations of Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae were observed to Korean rice cultivars depending upon isolates in the same pathotype of the pathogen grouped by reactions of Japanese rice differentials. Using 201 Korean isolates of X. campestris pv oryzae 1,307 rice cultivars and promising lines were inoculated, and they were grouped into four varietal groups based on reactions. Of rice cultivars showing similar reactions to X. campestris pv. oryzae, five Korean rice cultivars Milyang 42, Hangangchalbyeo, Pungsanbyeo, Cheongcheongbyeo, and Milyang 23 were selected for classification of the pathogen into races The isolates only virulent to Milyang 23 were designated as race K1, the isolates virulent to Cheongcheongbyeo and Milyang 23 were designated as race K2, the isolates virulent to Pungsanbyeo, Cheongcheongbyeo and Milyang 23 were designated as race K3, the isolates virulent to Hangangchalbyeo, Pungsanbyeo, Cheongcheongbyeo and Milyang 23 were designated as race K4, and the isolates virulent to Milyang 42, Hangangchalbyeo, Pungsanbyeo, Cheongcheongbyeo and Milyang 23 were designated as race K5. Of 201 isolates tested, 114 isolates (56.7%) were classified as race K1, 47 isolates (23.4%) as race K2, 38 isolates (18.9%) as race K3, and 2 isolates (1.0%) as race K4. Reaction in each rice cultivar used as differentials in this test was also compared with that of rice differentials used for classification of X. campestris pv. oryzae into pathotypes in the previous work.
한국(韓國)에서 발생(發生)하고 있는 흰잎마름병균의 병원성(病原性) 변이연구(變異硏究)는 일본판별품종(日本判別品種)에 의한 일본(日本) 분류체계(分類體系)를 이용(利用)하여 전국적(全國的)인 균형(菌型)의 분포상태(分布狀態)를 조사(調査)하여 왔으나 일본판별품종(日本判別品種)을 사용(使用)한 균형분류(菌型分類) 결과(結果) 동일(同一) 균군중(菌群中)에서도 다수계품종(多收系品種)에 따라 상이(相異)한 반응(反應)이 나타나 일본판별품종(日本判別品種)을 이용(利用)한 균형분류(菌型分類)가 부적합(不適合)한 것으로 나타났고, 일본판별품종(日本判別品種)을 한국(韓國)에서 증식(增殖) 보존(保存)할때 출수(出穗)가 늦거나 도복(倒伏)에 약(弱)하여 채종(採種)하기 어려운 점이 있으므로 한국(韓國)에 알맞는 판별품종(判別品種)을 선발(選拔)하기 위하여 한국품종중(韓國品種中)에서 선발(選拔)된 밀양(密陽) 23호(號), 청청(靑靑)벼 등(等) 7품종(品種)과 일본판별품종(日本判別品種)을 각(各) 균주별(菌株別)로 접종(接種) 비교(比較)한 결과(結果) 우리나라 흰잎마름병균에 대(對)한 저항성(抵抗性)과 이병성반응(罹病性反應)이 뚜렷하고 저항성유전자(抵抗性遺傳子)가 다르다고 추정(推定)되는 품종중(品種中)에서 밀양(密陽) 42호(號), 한강(漢江)찰벼, 풍산(豊産)벼, 청청(靑靑)벼, 밀양(密陽) 23호(號)가 한국(韓國) 흰잎마름병균의 병원성(病原性) 변이판별(變異判別)에 적합(適合)한 판별품종(判別品種)으로 선발(選拔)되었다. 우리나라 흰잎마름병 병원균(病原菌)의 병원성(病原性)은 일본판별품종(日本判別品種)의 반응(反應)에 의하여 I, II, III, IV, V 균군(菌群) 등(等)으로 분류(分類)되어 왔으나 한국판별품종(韓國判別品種)의 반응(反應)에 따라 Kl, K2, K3, K4, K5 레이스로 명명(命名)하였다.