A Mixed Zero-One Integer Goal programming Approach to Facility Location-Allocation Problem with Multiple Objectives

혼합이진정수목표계획법(混合二進整数目標計劃法)을 이용(利用)한 다수목표(多数目標)의 설비입지선정(設備立地選定) 및 해당문제(該當問題)에 관(関)한 연구(硏究)

  • Published : 1984.12.31


This paper is concerned with the facility location-allocation problem (FLAP) with multiple objectives. A branch-and-bound procedure is presented to solve the mixed zero-one integer goal programming problem which is to determine facility locations from given candidate locations and to allocate facility capacity to given customer markets simultaneously. A numercial example is given to illustrate this procedure.
