한국응용곤충학회지 (Korean journal of applied entomology)
- 제23권1호
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- Pages.7-14
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- 1984
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
배나무 검은무늬병균(Alternaria kikuchiana Tanaka)에 병원성분화와 저항성품종의 이병화
Differentiation in Pathogenicity of Alternaria kikuchiana Tanaka, Black Spot Fungus of Pear, and Conversion of Resistant Varieties into Susceptible ones
- Ki Un Kye (Dept. of Agri. Biol., College of Agri., Chonnam Nat'l Univ.) ;
- Park Seur Kee (Dept. of Agri. Biol., College of Agri., Chonnam Nat'l Univ.) ;
- Cho Back Ho (Dept. of Agri. Biol., College of Agri., Chonnam Nat'l Univ.) ;
- Kim Ki Chung (Dept. of Agri. Biol., College of Agri., Chonnam Nat'l Univ.)
- 발행 : 1984.03.01
전남 나주지방에서 만연하고 있는 검은무늬 병 유사증상을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 병원균은 Alternaria kikuchiana Tanaka로 동정되었다. 2. 5월 하순부터 발병되기 시작하여 6월 하순
Recently, a symptom similiar to black spot caused by Alternaria kikuchiana on the pear leaves is prevailing in Naju, Chonnam Province. This experiment was conducted in order to clarify causal agent and to survey present status on it. Disease lesions on the leaves were brown or black brown in color, circle or irregular circle in shape,