잎담배 세균성마름병(立枯病)의 방제체계에 관한 연구 제1보 저항성품종, 경종적 및 토양훈증제처리가 잎담배 세균성 마름병 방제효과에 미치는 영향

Study on Control System of Bacterial Wilt in Flue-cured Tobacco 1. Control Effect of Bacterial Wilt in Tobacco Line NC82 by the Cultural Practice and Fumigation

  • 이종두 (한국인삼연초연구소 음성시험장) ;
  • 한길수 (한국인삼연초연구소 음성시험장) ;
  • 유익상 (한국인삼연초연구소 전주시험장) ;
  • 강서규 (한국인삼연초연구소 음성시험장)
  • Lee Jong Doo (Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute, Eunseong Experiment Station) ;
  • Han Chul Su (Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute, Eunseong Experiment Station) ;
  • Yu Ik Sang (Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute, Jeonju Experiment Station) ;
  • Kang Seo Kyu (Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute, Eunseong Experiment Station)
  • 발행 : 1984.06.01


[ $1982\~1983$ ]년 사이에 한국인삼연초연구소 음성시험장의 세균성마름병 상습발병포지에서 이 병의 방제체계 확립을 위해 시험한 결과 1. 세균성마름병은 세균증식에 적합한 온도와 토양습도가 주어진 7월하순${\cdot}$8월하순에 가장 큰 피해를 나타냈으며 토양훈증제처리구 및 저항성품종재배구에서는 병발생이 적고 느리게 나타낮다. 2. 세균성마름병의 방제효과는 감수성품종인 NC23 26에 비하여 저항성품종인 NC82의 무처리재배의 경우 $44.7\%\~55.8\%$의 방제효과를 보았으며 토양훈증제처리에 저항성품종인 NC82를 재배 할 경우 $95\~99\%$의 방제효과를 보았다. 경종적처리에서는 무처리재배에 비하여 $0.8\~20\%$로 낮게 나타났으며 저항성품종이나 토양훈증제를 함께 사용 할 경우 그 상승효과는 거의 인정되지 않았다. 3. 세균성마름병의 종합적인 방제체계확립은 경종적처리(춘추경, 잔간근제거, 조기이식, 피복물제거)에 토양훈증(Cylon)를 10a당 40l 토양관주한 후 저항성 품종(NC82)을 재배할 때 $95\%$ 이상의 방제효과를 거둘 수 있었다.

This experiment was carried out to investigate control efficacy by cultural practice and fumigation of tacterial wilt caused by Pseudomonas solancearum in resistant tobacco line NC82 at the Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute, Eumseong Experiment Station in 1982 and 1983. The bacterial wilt of tobacco occurred severely from mid-July to last August in applicable temperature and soil humidity for increasing bacteria. Disease severity appeared low and slowly at fumigation and resistant variety treatment. Incidence of bacterial wilt in tobacco line NC82 was $44.7\~55.8\%$ being compared with susceptible variety, NC2326 and $95\~99\%$ when resistant variety, NC32 was cultivated with soil fumigation treatment. Control efficacy of cultural practices appeared low with $0.8\~20\%$ and was not different from resistant variety and fumigation treatment. Control system against bacterial wilt in flue-cured tobacco was accomplished by control efficacy over $95\%$ when resistant variety(NC82) was cultured after treatment of cultural practices (Tillering after harvest and before transplanting, stalk and root destruction, early transplanting early removal of the mulching film) and soil fumigation(Cylon).
