한국통신학회논문지 (The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences)
- 제9권3호
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- Pages.132-139
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- 1984
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- 1226-4717(pISSN)
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- 2287-3880(eISSN)
E급고효율동조전력증폭기의 동작특성에 관한 연구
A Study on the Operation of the Class E High-Efficiency Tuned Power Amplifier
병렬 인덕터와 직렬공진회로를 부하로 갖는 E급 동조전력 증폭기의 duty cycle변화에 따른 콜렉터 전압과 전류, 기본 주파수 성분, 부하회로소자 및 출력전력능력에 관한 방정식을 유도하여 최적동작상태의 특성을 해석하며 실제 콜렉터 포화전압을 고려하여 duty cycle이 50%일 때 증폭효율이 90%이상된다는 것을 이론과 실험을 통하여 고찰하였다.
This paper presents an exant analysis of the class E tuned power amplifier with a shunt inductor. The following performance parameters are determined for optimum operation with any switch duty ratio: the collector current and voltage waveforms, the peak values of collector current and voltage, the output power, the power output capability, and the values of the load network elements. The analysis shows that the maximum power output capability occurs at a duty ratio of 50 percent. The measured collector efficiency of experiments is 93 percent with 0.93W at 1MHz. This amplifier is especially applicable at portable transmitters because its colletor efficiency is extremely high.