계면활성제용액의 미셀구조와 가용화성질


  • Kim, Ji-Seon (Pacific Cbemical Co., Ltd., Researcb and Development Laboratory, Dongjak-Ku, Sbindaebang-Dong #656-9 Seoul, Korea.) ;
  • Kim, Chang-Gyu (Pacific Cbemical Co., Ltd., Researcb and Development Laboratory, Dongjak-Ku, Sbindaebang-Dong #656-9 Seoul, Korea, Department of Cbemistry, Texas Tecb University, Lubbock, TX79409, U.S.A.) ;
  • Song, Pil-Sun
  • 발행 : 1984.09.01


The fluorescence intensity rations (F2.F1) of excimer (F2) to monomer (F1) of pyrene were measured as a function of the concentration of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). It was found that there were not gross changes in size and shape of sphere-shape micelles in the first micelle concentration, while at concentrations above the second critical micelle concentration (CMC) the micelles grew in size with increasing concentration. Fluorescence intensities of 8-anilinonaphthalene 1-sulfonate (ANS) were also monitored as a micellar probe with varying concentrations of SDS. Results suggested that a phase transition from sphere-shaped micelles to hemicapped rod-like micelles occurred at the second CMC (17). A general formula for the axial ratio of ellip-soil-shaped micelle in the first micelle concentration was suggested. According to this general formula, the axial ratio of SDS, sodium lauryl ether sulfate and sodium laurate were 1:1, 5:2, and 5:3, respectively. The electrolyte-induced phase transition from spherical to hemicapped rod-like micelles occurred and the size of hemicapped rod-like micelles grew with increasing electrolyte concentrations. The maximum concentrations of solubilzed benzene in sphere-shaped micelles and hemicapped rod-like micelles were measured by differential spectrohpotometry. The hemicapped rod-like micelles in the presence of electrolytes grew in size with increasing amount of benzene solubilized.
