Effects of Ginseng Saponins on Cholesterol Solubility

인삼(人蔘) Saponin류(類)가 Cholesterol 용해도(溶解度)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Published : 1984.09.30


In this study the solubility of cholesterol was examined with ginseng saponin and chemical saponin used in the preparation of reaction mixture of 0.15M NaCl solution. It was shown that the solubility of cholesterol varied in the concentration of ginseng saponins and in the temperature and that the osmotic pressure and the surface tension was amenable to changes in the concentration of ginseng saponins and the incubation period of the reaction mixture. From the results, it was revealed that the solubility of cholesterol was dependent upon the incubated times and the concentration of ginseng saponins in 0.15mM NaCl solution and that ginseng saponins have the cholesterol solubilizing effect as evidenced in the physicochemical properties of mixed micelle formation and surface-activity.
