Classification of the Scolytidae and Platypodidae Intercepted from Imported Timbers III

수입재해충 나무좀류의 분류 III 나무좀과와 긴나무좀과

  • Choo H.Y. (College of Agriculture, Gyeong Sang Nat'l University) ;
  • Woo K.S. (College of Agriculture, Seoul Nat'l University)
  • Published : 1983.03.01


The twelve species of Scolytidae and six species of Platypodidae were recognized from imported logs at Incheon, Gunsan and Busan ports. One species, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) of Scolytidae was identified from coffee bean. These species were not reported before from imported logs and seeds. Scolytidae Platypodidae Scolytus frontalis Blandford Crossotarsus nitens Chapuis Hylurgopsl gabratus Zetterstedt P. lepidus Chapuis Gnathotricus sulcatus (Leconte) Diapus quinquespinatus Chapuis Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) Genyocerus abdominalis Schedi Ips concinuus (Mannerheim) G. compactus Schedl Poecilips subcribrosus (Blandford) G. sexporus (Schedl) xyleborus agnatus Eggers X. cognatus Blandford X. emarginatus Eichnoff X. mascarensis Eichhoff X. pseudomajor Schedl X. pseudopilifer Schedl.
