수입재해충 나무좀류의 분류 II 개나무좀과

Classification of the Bostrichidae Intercepted from Imported Timbers II.

  • Choo H.Y. (College of Agriculture, Gyeong Sang Nat'l. Univ.) ;
  • Woo K.S. (College of Agriculture, Seoul Nat'l. Univ.) ;
  • Lee C.K. (National Plant Quarantine Office)
  • 발행 : 1983.03.01


Authors identified following seven species of six genera of Dinoderinae and Bostrichinae of Bostrichidae intercepted from imported logs. Keys and descriptions are given for the seven species. The distribution of each species is outlined Dinoderinae: Rizopertha dominica (Fabricius) Dinoderus minutus (Fabricius) Bostrichinae: Sinoxylon anale Lesne S. japonicum Lesne Heterobostrychus hamatipennis (Lesne) Xylothrips flavipes (Illiger) Xylopsocus castanopterus (Fairmair).
