당근혹선충이 고추와 토마토의 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향

Effects of Root-knot Nematode, Meliodogyne hapla, on Growth and Yield of Pepper and Tomato

  • Cho H.J. (Institute of Agricultural Sciences) ;
  • Han S.C. (Institute of Agricultural Sciences)
  • 발행 : 1983.03.01


당근혹선충의 피해 정도와 경제적 피해 수준을 결정하고자 폿트 시험으로 실시한 결과 선충 접종 8주후까지는 고추, 토마토 모두 생육에 차이가 없었으나 12주 이후 주당 10,000마리 이상 접종구에서는 현저하게 떨어졌고 저밀도 접종일 때 생장 촉진 효과는 작물에 따라 차이가 있었다. 선충 접종 밀도와 고추, 토마토 수량과의 관계는 주당 7,500마리 이하 접종에서는 무처리와 차이가 없었으나 10,000마리 이상에서는 고추 $15\%$, 토마토 $14\%$ 이상 감수되었다.

Effects of the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne hapla, on the growth and yields of hot-pepper (var.: Cheongyong gochu) and tomato$(var.:\;Bogsu\;\#)$ were studied with inoculating 500, 2,500, 5,000, 7,500, 10,000 and 20,000 nematodes per plant in pots. Results were analyzed with comparing weight of fruits harvested throughout the season from both hot-pepper and tomato, and with mineral contents in dried stoots and roots of pepper plant 20 weeks after the inoculation. No significant difference was found on the plant growth at all levels of inoculation until the 8th week after the inoculation. However, the plant growth was significantly depressed from the 12th week in the pots inoculated with over 10,000 nematodes, and the yields were reduced by $16\%$ in hot-pepper and $14\%$ in tomato respectively when 10,000 nematodes were inoculated.
