The Influence of Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus on the Rice Yield and Its Components

벼 검은줄무늬오갈병이 수량과 수량구성요소에 미치는 영향

  • Kim D.K. (Yeongnam Crops Experiment Station, O.R.D.) ;
  • Park R.K. (Yeongnam Crops Experiment Station, O.R.D.) ;
  • Jung Y.T. (Yeongnam Crops Experiment Station, O.R.D.) ;
  • Jin Y.D. (Yeongnam Crops Experiment Station, O.R.D.)
  • Published : 1983.09.01


In 1981 Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus (RBSDV) was severely occurred in Yeongnam area of Korea. The influence of RBSDV to rice plant was studied with two susceptible cultivars, Nagdongbyeo and Cheongcheongbyeo. The stunting rate was determined by the percentage of plant height of infected plants vs. healthy plants. When the rice plants were severely stunted by RBSDV, the yield components and yield were greatly reduced. The stunting of rice plants infected with RBSDV was caused mostly by the shortening of internodes in upper parts of the culm. The relationship between stunting rate of rice plants and yield was shown to have a negative exponential correlation. The regression equations of the relationship are experssed as follows: In Cheongcheongbyeo $Y=46.6lxe^{-0.0624_\chi}$, and in Nagdongbyeo $Y=54.82xe^{-0.067_\chi}$.

1981년 영남내륙지방에 심하게 발생된 벼 검은줄무늬오갈병의 이병포장에서 초장위축율에 따른 수도생육 및 수량구성요소의 변화를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 위축이 심할수록 간장 및 수장이 현저히 감소하였다. 2. 건전주에 비하여 이병주는 토위절간의 감소율이 크고, 3절간 및 4절간의 상대적으로 위축율이 감소되는 경향이었다. 3. 위축이 심할수록 수량구성요소 및 수량은 현저히 감소되었으며, $60\%$ 이상 위축되면 수량은 개무상태가 되었다. 4. 위축율과 수량과의 관계식은 청청벼에서 $Y=46.6lXe^{-0.0624_\chi}$, 낙동벼는 $Y=54.82Xe^{-0.0674_\chi}$로서 검은줄무늬오갈병에 이병되면 지수함수적인 수량감소가 확인되었다.
