Korean journal of applied entomology (한국응용곤충학회지)
- Volume 22 Issue 3 Serial No. 56
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- Pages.181-185
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- 1983
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
New root rot disease of Panax ginseng due to Ditylenchus destructor Thorne
감자썩이선충 (Ditylenchus destructor)에 의한 인삼의 새로운 근부병
Ditylenchus destructor Thorne 1945 was found to be the causal organism of the new root rot disease of Panax ginseng, which occurred extensively in Dongseong area of Cheolweon-gun, Gangweon Province, Korea in 1982. Thirty-six percent of the investigated fields was damaged due to the potato rot nematode. Infected roots showed brown discoloration of cortex and suberization outside the cambium. Cortex of the severly infected roots became sponge-like in texture and cavity was produced in the central portion of the root. Only the severely infected ginseng plants exhibited sympotoms of sudden wilting of leaves. The number of potato rot nematode in such field soils was
강원도 철원군 동송읍 일대의 인삼근부병을 조사한 결과 감자썩이선충(Ditylenchus destructor)을 분리 동정하였으며 이 선충이 인삼근부병의 한 원인임이 확인되었다. 이지역 인삼재식지 조사면적의 약