Studies on the Physico-chemical Properties and Characterization of Soil Organic Matter in Jeju Volcanic Ash Soil

제주도(濟州道) 화산회토양(火山灰土壌)의 이화학적(理化学的) 특성(特性) 및 유기물(有機物) 성상(性状)에 관(関)한 연구(硏究)

  • Published : 1983.03.25


A series of laboratory experiment was conducted to find out the chemical composition, characterization of humic substances by physical and chemical methods and reaction of Na-pyrophosphate, $Ca(OH)_2$ and rice straw with albumin on the degradation of soil organic matter in the volcanic ask soils of the Jeju Island. Results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. The contents of organic matter, available silicon, active iron and aluminum concentration in volcanic ash the soils were remarkably higher but available phosphorous was comparatively lower than the mineral soils. In volcanic ash soil, the contents of potassium, calcium and magnessium were higher in upland soil than that of forest soil. The ratios of active $Al^{{+}{+}{+}}/Fe^{{+}{+}}$, C/P and $K/Ca^+$ Mg were apparently high in volcanic ash soils while that of $SiO_2$/O.M. was high in mineral soil. 2. The carbon/nitrogen ratio in humin, humic acid content in organic matter, and carbon contents of humin in total carbon of soil organic matter were apparently higher in the volcanic ash soils than in the mineral soils, The total nitrogen and fractions of acid or alkali soluble nitrogen were remarkably high in volcanic ash soils while mineralizable nitrogen ($NH_4$-N and $NO_3$) contents were high in mineral soils. 3. The values of K600, RF and log K were also higher in volcanic ash soils than those in mineral soils, and the absorbance in the visible range were high and color was dark in the soil of which humification was progressed Extracted humic acid from volcanic ash soil was less reactive to the oxidizing chemical reagent and was persistance to the acid or alkali hydrolysises. 4. The major oxygen-containing functional groups in humic substances of volcanic ash soils were phenolic-OH alcoholic-OH and carboxyl groups while those in mineral soil were methoxyl and carbonyl groups. 5. Absorption spectra of alkaline solution of humic acid ranged from 200 nm to maxima 500 nm. Visible spectra peaks of from humic substances in the visible region were recognized at 350, 420, 450 and 480 nm. Only one single absorbance peak was observed in the visible region at 362 nm for Heugag series and two absorbance Peak were also at 360 nm and 390 nm for Yeungrag series. 6. Evolution of carbon as $Co_2$ was increased with addition of Na-pyrophosphate in Namweon and Heugag series, and "priming effects" took place on the soil organic matter decomposition by addition of rice straw with albumin in Ido series.

제주도(濟州道) 화산회토양유기물(火山灰土壌有機物)의 화학성(化学性), 유기물(有機物) 성상(性狀) 및 부식산(腐植酸)의 광학적(光学的) 특성(特性)을 알고져 수종(数種)의 화산회토양(火山灰土壌)을 공시(供試)하여 실내시험(室內試験)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 가. 토양(土壌)의 화학적(化学的) 성질(性質) 1) 화산회토양(火山灰土壌)은 비화산회토양(非火山灰土壌)에 비(比)하여 유기물(有機物)(4~27%), 유효규산(有効珪酸)(291~884ppm), 활성(活性) 알루미늄(150~478ppm) 및 활성철함량(活性鉄含量)(0.77~0.86%)이 많고 반대(反対)로 유효인산(有効燐酸)(4~15ppm) 함량(含量)이 현저(顕著)히 낮았다. 2) 가리(加里), 석화(石火), 고토등(苦土等)은 밭의 경우 화산회토양(火山灰土壌)에서 높은 편이나 삼림지(森林地) 및 유휴지토양(遊休地土壌)은 낮은 경향(傾向)을 보였다. 3) 화산회토양(火山灰土壌)은 규반비(珪礬比) 및 규산(珪酸)/유기물비(有機物比)가 낮은 반면(反面) K/Ca+Mg, Al/Fe(활성(活性)) 및 C/P비(比)가 현저(顕著)히 높았다. 나. 유기물(有機物) 및 질소분별정량(窒素分別定量) 1) 화산회토양(火山灰土壌)은 유기물(有機物)의 총탄소중(総炭素中) Humin-C의 비율(比率), 유기물중(有機物中) Humin산(酸) 그리고 Humin중(中) C/N율(率)이 비화산회토양(非火山灰土壌)보다 현저(顕著)히 높았다. 2) 화산회토양(火山灰土壌)은 비화산회토양(非火山灰土壌)에 비(比)하여 총질소(総窒素), 산(酸) 및 알카리가용성(可溶性) 질소함량(窒素含量)이 현저(顕著)히 높은 반면(反面) 총질소중(総窒素中) 무기태질소(無機態窒素)로 방출(放出)될 수 있는 무기화율(無機化率)은 높지 않았다. 다. 토양부식(土壌腐植)의 형태(形態) 1) 화산회토양(火山灰土壌)은 비화산회토양(非火山灰土壌)에 비(比)하여 광흡(光吸) 수능(收能)이 높고(K600, RF치(値), ${\delta}logK$) 부식화도(腐植化度)가 진전(進展)될수록 색농도(色濃度)가 짙은 것으로 나타났다. 2) 화산회토양(火山灰土壌)은 산화제(酸化劑)에 대(対)한 저항성(抵抗性)이 높고 산(酸) 및 알카리 가수분해성(加水分解性)이 강(强)하여 부식화도(腐植化度)가 높아 부식(腐植)의 자연분해(自然分解)가 극(極)히 어려운 것으로 나타났다. 라. Humin의 관능기조사(官能基調査) 화산회토양(火山灰土壌)의 유출부식산(油出腐植酸)의 관능기(官能基)는 phenolic-OH기(基), Alcoholic-OH기(基) 및 Carboxyl기(基)가 많고 비화산회토양(非火山灰土壌)은 Methoxyl기(基) 및 Carbonyl기(基)가 많았다. 마. 부식산(腐植酸)의 흡광도(吸光度) 1) 공시토양(供試土壌)의 가시광역(可視光域)은 200~500nm부근의 단파장영역(短波長領域)이었으며 주로 350, 420, 450 및 480nm 에서 4개(個)의 흡광곡선(吸光曲線)을 나타내었다. 2) 화산회토양(火山灰土壌)인 흑악통(黑岳統)은 362nm부근에서 단일(單一)의 높은 흡광도(吸光度)를 보였으며 비화산회토양(非火山灰土壌)인 영악통(永楽統)은 360nm와 390nm에서 2개(個)의 단순(單純)한 높은 흡광대(吸光帶)를 나타내었다. 마. 분해촉진제(分解促進剤) 처리효과(處理効果) 화산회토양(火山灰土壌)에 대(対)한 분해촉진효과(分解促進効果)는 이도통(統)은 역분해성(易分解性) 유기물(有機物) 첨가(添加)에 따른 "Priming Effect"가 증가(增加)되었으며 남원(南元)과 흑악통(黑岳統)은 Na-Pyrophosphate의 첨가효과(添加効果)가 있었다.
